“The notion of bite-wing X-rays every year and a full set of X-rays every three years for every patient should go in the garbage can”

Recently an article in the Los Angeles Times http://www.latimes.com/ * discussed the practice of annual dental x-rays.
‘Dental X-rays are essential for detecting serious oral and systemic health problems, and generally the amount of radiation is very low. But new thinking on dental X-rays is that the “one size fits all” schedule is outdated.
All dentists should follow the ALARA principle (as low as reasonably achievable) when determining what X-rays to order. Adhering to this principle will minimize the patient’s radiation exposure. Whenever any kind of dental X-ray is done, patients should wear protective lead aprons with thyroid collars.
The aprons do not shield us from internal radiation “scattering,” especially with sensitive tissue like the thyroid gland. That’s why it’s important to reduce the X-ray beam to the smallest size that provides necessary information…
Dental X-rays should be done only when medically indicated, tailored to each patient’s health needs.’
*to read the full LAT article “Drilling down on the necessity of dental X-rays” by Emily Dwass, highlight and click on open hyperlink http://www.latimes.com/health/la-he-dental-xrays-20131221,0,3477865.story#axzz2th8PhECO
Note: This blog shares general information about understanding and navigating the health care system. For specific medical advice about your own problems, issues and options talk to your personal dentist.


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