Urging the Senate to follow suit and approve the CARE Act

Dear Editor:
My father was an intelligent man, however he had a challenge remembering everything. And on one occasion, following hospitalization for a heart attack, when the hospital discharged him with no prescriptions, it left me having to seek out the doctors to learn of his medication needs. If I had not known to ask, my father never would have received his medication.
I’m not alone in this challenging situation; over 1.7 million New Jerseyans are caring for loved ones. The Caregiver Advise, Record, Enable (CARE) Act helps by requiring hospitals to record a caregiver’s name when a loved one is admitted, notify them prior to discharge, and carefully explain necessary medical tasks to be completed at home. This act would prevent my situation from being replicated by requiring doctors to explain medications to the caregiver.
AARP and I support The CARE Act and appreciate the Assembly passage of this bill. I’d especially like to thank primary Assembly sponsors of The CARE Act in NJ – Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto, Assemblymen Joseph Lagana, Bob Andrzejczak, Dan Benson, Vincent Mazzeo, and Assemblywoman Nancy Munoz. Their dedication has helped to advance this bill. I urge the Senate to follow suit and approve the CARE Act.

Lilyan Cralle

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