What happened to the parade?

To the Editor:

Every year, Bayonne families look forward to the Little League Opening Day Parade. It was a sure sign that spring had finally arrived and that summer was not far behind. It was one of those things that brought the Bayonne community together. Everyone would stop and look as the kids went by. It reminded all of us of what really is important. So you can imagine my surprise when the parade was canceled. No reason was given. Opening day was just glossed over and forgotten. Many Bayonne kids, including my two nephews, won’t have any memories of their first opening day. They won’t remember the excitement as they approached the compound to the cheers of the people waiting there for them to arrive. How sad is that? In the immortal words of legendary boxing manager Joe Jacobs, “We was robbed.” There’s really no way to repair the damage that canceling the parade has done. Let’s just hope that they learn from their mistake.


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