To the Editor:
I am writing this letter in support of John Milan Sebik and his journey to obtain a city council chair. I have known John for many years and I can honestly say that you could not have a better man or friend standing behind you.
I met John more than 20 years ago when I was hired on a government contract for the Federal Communications Commission. The first thing I noticed about John was his attention to detail and patience in explaining the job that I was hired for. John has outstanding attention to detail and his natural desire to do the job at hand and do it right is amazing. From day one of meeting John Milan Sebik, I knew that this individual was going to be a good friend.
John’s moral and ethical compass could not point any further north. He has been a great friend and confidant in my life and has always given me the best advice when I was going through tough times. I hope everyone has that one person you can turn to for straightforward advice and guidance and know you are getting a true view on the situation whether you want to hear it or not. I can say that this person is John Milan Sebik for me.
I cannot think of a more trusting individual that cares about everyone he meets and cares more about the things happening today that affects us all. I would be honored to have John Milan Sebik represent me as a City Council member because I know with him in that position, our voices will finally be heard.