A little explanation goes a long way

To the Editor:

Over the past few months I have had the opportunity to meet and speak with many residents all across Bayonne. One question I seem to get constantly is why the council’s actions are shrouded in secrecy. Yes, the meetings are public and the agenda is online, but often times the meetings are so quick all you hear is the agenda item and a chorus of five yes votes. There is no explanation as to why our representatives are actually voting yes.
Our city council should be an open book. Our representatives should explain why they are voting yes and be held accountable for their votes. I recommend that the council immediately begin to hold a monthly town hall meeting. The purpose of this meeting would be for the members of the city council to present the monthly council agenda to the public, explain each item on the agenda, inform their constituents on how they intend to vote on the item and explain why they have chosen to either vote yes or no.
I understand that residents have the ability to voice their concerns and ask questions on a particular item at the council meeting but often times their voices fall on deaf ears. Once the person has said their piece or has been asked to sit down because they have been talking for too long the meeting returns to a chorus of yes votes once again.
We deserve better from our council representatives. We deserve to be kept in the loop and have our voices heard. It’s time that we hold our representatives accountable for the decisions they have made and remind them that they work for us.

3rd Ward Council Candidate

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