Fairness and Bayonne’s pushover council

To the editor:

Last week, Mr. Leonard Kantor and I made a trip to downtown homeowners that were being affected by the bridge construction. After speaking with those families, it is clear that the Port Authority is not giving them the proper compensation for reducing their quality of living and adding stress. These residents have had enough with this administration and its lack of representation in city hall. The reality is, our city council should be working with Port Authority to produce well thought-out ideas, and standing strong against any bad deals that they are offering.
The Port Authority’s latest offer consists of “compensating” homeowners by offering free hotel stays. However, homeowners are already paying thousands in taxes to city hall and do not want to move into a hotel. These Bayonne residents told us that not one councilmember went to their home and assessed their situation, living condition, and quality of life. Not one councilmember made the effort to visit their homes and hear their opinions, comments, or concerns. Yet, these are the same councilmembers who have no problem knocking on your door when they need your vote.
It’s not fair that those with the most money, the power players in Hudson County, have more influence over those who elected our council. Enough is enough.

Daniel Herrera
Candidate for Bayonne’s First Ward
Zanowic for Mayor 2014

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