We need tax relief

To the Editor:

First I would like to state that I am not against tax abatements for projects that will benefit our city; however, since taking office in 2010 the Bayonne City Council has manipulated the PILOT program, to give sweetheart deals to developers who are friendly with the current administration.
For the past three and a half years the city council has given tax abatements for property on prime real estate while areas in serious need of help have been left to fend for themselves. Property owners along Broadway have been left to fend for themselves with no help from our elected officials.
The city’s current redevelopment policy has failed to bring in the much needed tax relief that has been promised. We continue to see our taxes rise while our elected officials cater to the wealthy by giving tax breaks to millionaire developers for luxury housing complexes leaving the backbone of our community struggling to pay their increasing taxes.
Our business center is falling apart and this council has done nothing to keep their 2010 pledge of revitalizing Broadway. Every year we continue to lose business after business while our council sits back and does nothing. Continuous development of housing does nothing to aid our local economy if people have no place to shop. What I propose is, rather than tax breaks for developers, our city should create incentives for property owners on Broadway in order to bring in much needed businesses. A flourishing business center will then attract new residents to fill all these new housing developments.
I, along with my team for a #BetterBayonne, and other citizens participated in the council meeting for Camelot Bayonne. I did not see any other candidates outside of the Zanowic team there, which shows the Bayonne residents who really has their values at mind. We will continue to fight for the revitalization of Broadway and we will hold city hall accountable for their mistakes.

Candidate Third Ward Council

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