Healy hired by county

JERSEY CITY — In a move that is likely to become political fodder for the 2015 county executive primary, former Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy has been hired to represent the county in dealing with welfare fraud and other related cases at an annual salary of $42,437.
This move apparently was done out of the County Executive’s office since key members of the freeholder board said they were not aware of the hiring until it was reveal in the local press.
“In tough economic times like these, it seems strange that the county should want to hire someone,” said one freeholder who wished not to be named.
Freeholder Bill O’Dea gave a tongue and cheek responses.
“I guess Tom [DeGise] feels that we’re in such good shape on the budget that we can afford to add people to the payroll,” O’Dea said. “In that case, I look forward to him bringing us a budget next spring that shows a tax decrease.”
O’Dea is rumored to be planning a run against County Executive DeGise in the 2015 Democratic Primary.
Jim Kennelly, spokesperson for the county executive, said the job was not created for Healy, but that Healy fit the qualifications.
Healy, 63, already qualifies for a city pension since he has worked as a councilman, prosecutor, municipal judge, and mayor.

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