Helping us help others

Dear Editor:
International Stuttering Awareness Day was Oct. 22, and it’s a great time to remind your readers that there are speech-language pathologists in your area who specialize in helping people who stutter.
The nonprofit Stuttering Foundation provides a free list of local specialists for your readers. Visit us at or call 800-992-9392. Click on “Referrals” to see this list.
In addition, parents can also use our website to find the new video, 7 Tips for Talking with the Child Who Stutters. We’ve recently made the video available to 53,727 pediatricians across the United States. It features the leading voices on preschool stuttering who provide parents with answers to tough questions about stuttering and practical strategies they can use right away.
As always, our materials are in more than 8,500 libraries nationwide. To see if your local public library shelves our materials, just click on “Check Your Library” at the Web site listed above.
Finally, it is important to mention that we provide the latest research information and self-help materials compiled by the leading authorities.
Thank you for helping us reach those who stutter in your community.

Sincerely yours,
Jane Fraser

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