BREAKING: Zimmer and slate win Hoboken, including school board; rent control vote extremely close

HOBOKEN — Results from the Hoboken City Clerk’s office show that Mayor Dawn Zimmer is in the winner of the mayoral race in the mile-square city, ahead of opponents Ruben Ramos Jr. and Timothy Occhipinti.
Zimmer’s council-at-large team of David Mello, James Doyle, and Ravi Bhalla are also the winners.
The “Kids First” school board slate backed by Zimmer also came out on top.
Keep watching for more results, and pick up the paper this weekend.
Regarding the controversial rent control referendum, the totals were too close to call on Tuesday night, just like last year. With 97 percent of districts reporting, the Yes vote was 4,906 and the No vote was 4,964. The “Yes” votes were in favor of a proposal from a property owners’ group to take some apartments off rent control when a current tenant leaves. Absentee ballots may make the difference.
Both Zimmer and Ramos had supported the “No” vote.
Watch the Hoboken Reporter this weekend for more information, and keep watching this page,

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