Nadia L. Stovicek of Weehawken Enrolls at Colby College

Nadia L. Stovicek of Weehawken enrolled at Colby College in Waterville, Maine, this fall. Before classes began Stovicek took part in an orientation that included an introduction to Colby’s rigorous academics, rich cultural life, and community involvement opportunities as well as a three-day outdoor excursion. A graduate of Nightingale Bamford School, Stovicek is the daughter of Eric Stovicek and Vicki Jurist of Weehawken, N.J.
The Class of 2017 was Colby’s most selective to date, with an acceptance rate of 26 percent. The group represents diverse backgrounds-22 percent identify as students of color, 14 percent are international, and members of the class come from 41 countries and 35 states.
Founded in 1813, Colby College is the 12th-oldest independent liberal arts college in the nation. Colby provides a rigorous academic program that fosters transformational relationships between students and faculty. Graduates emerge as leaders ready to make an impact on their world. Colby is committed to making the full experience accessible to all qualified students, regardless of their ability to pay. The college enrolls 1,863 students.


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