Join me and vote yes

Dear Editor:
On the November 5 Ballot the residents of West New York will have the opportunity to decide for an elected school board. I encourage all residents of West New York to join me in voting “yes” for an elected school board.
According to an investigative report issued by the Department of Education Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance, Mayor Roque and allies allegedly used the Board of Education to strong arm employees into buying $2000 tickets to his political fundraiser. Furthermore he allegedly used the Board of Education to advance his own political agenda at the expense of the children of West New York.
These unethical activities need to end, and it will only happen if the residents of West New York take control by electing board members that responds to the people of West New York and not to the interest of Mayor Felix Roque, his minions and political interest.
Let’s send a clear message to corrupt politicians on November 5 by voting “yes” for an elected board of education in West New York.

Jose C. Munoz
Freeholder 7th District

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