McGill, Ballance lead Colts

After improving to (2-0) in the JCC of Bayonne’s Indoor Flag Football Jr. Division, the Bears took on the (0-2) Colts. The Bears fierce defense got on the board first with a 2 point safety but the Colts’ Kyle Arano put the Colts back on track with a “pick”. The interception set up a 30 yard TD dash by the Colts’ fullback Chris Ballance to make it 6-2, Colts. The Colts’ Ahmad McGill stretched the Colts lead to 12-2 with a zone to zone TD sprint. Down by 10, the Bears’ Ryan Griffin reeled in a 10 yard TD toss making it 12-8, Colts. As things tightened up, the Colts’ Ahmad McGill rushed twenty yards for his second TD of the game to give the Colts’ an 18-8 lead at the half. Opening the second half, the Colts’ defense stalled the Bears’ offense with Kasper Hooks and Michael Aziz coming up with big plays. The Colts began to pull away as Chris Ballance and Ahmad McGill rushed for two more TDs to give the Colts a commanding 30-8 advantage. Looking for a spark, the Bears’ Michael Egan manned the helm at QB and handed off to Matt Miceli whose 15 yard TD run made it 30-14. After key defensive plays by Jordan Neustein and Anthony Fraser, Egan and the Bears went no huddle to set up Ryan Griffin’s TD plunge and two point grab to narrow the Colts lead to 30-22 but the Colts held on for their first win.

Week 2 Jr. Division
Offensive Player of the week – Ahmad McGill – Colts
Defensive Player of the week – Alejandro Cifuentes – Jets
Teamwork/ Leadership Player of the week – Matt Miceli – Bears

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