Former Mayor Vega endorses elected school board concept for WNY

WEST NEW YORK– The people of West New York should be allowed to choose their school board representatives, according to former Mayor Sal Vega.
“On Tuesday, Nov. 5, West New York voters will have the opportunity to approve an initiative that would allow them to elect their own school board. “We, the voters, should be able to choose” said Vega. “We have tried an appointed board for many years and the time is now for a change.”
The West New York School District was recently the subject of a scathing report by the New Jersey State Department of Education that alleged the town’s current administration manipulated the hiring, firing and demotions in the school district and pressured employees into buying tickets to a political fundraiser.
Vega in a statement released to the media said the Department of Education’s Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance began its investigation in July 2012 after being alerted by federal authorities – which were conducting an investigation on an unrelated matter — to concerns of inappropriate political involvement in the hiring practices in the school district.
Vega said he feels this is a clear example of why the time is right for a change to an elected school board. “This current administration and appointed school board are obviously incapable of responsibly having a direct say, when it comes to the future of our students. The majority of municipalities in New Jersey are represented by an elected school board. The time has come for our town to have that same type of democratic representation. Please join me in voting YES!”
Besides serving as mayor until he lost an election to current Mayor Felix Roque, Vega also served the West New York School District as an educator and administrator for thirty years.
Vega is currently retired and still resides in West New York.

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