Dear Editor:
The town has joined together with Hartz Mountain Industries, the Secaucus Board of Education, the Secaucus Emergency Fund, and the Volunteer Fire Department to hold a very important event this Sunday, October 13 from 3-7 p.m. As you may know, several families from Harmon Cove and Fourth Street have suffered the loss of their homes to tragic fires recently. We need to all come together to help these families, who are our friends and neighbors, recover from this devastation. Hosted by Brian Thompson of NBC, “After the Blaze” is a benefit filled with many exciting activities for the whole family. It is a chance for each of us to make a difference while enjoying an afternoon of food, fun and entertainment. Let’s make a day of it. Tickets are only $10.00 for adults, and $5.00 for kids. Musical entertainment is being provided by popular local talent such as Lyle Leeson, CAST, The Faculty Meeting, Radio Nashville, and our own Darius Kaleb, the star of Broadway’s Motown performing Michael Jackson hits. Listen to Lisa Howard of the hit movie Twilight and the Lifters and watch for other special celebrity appearances! Bring your children for hours of fun activities including Bounce Houses, Slides, Face Painting, Fire Trucks, Police cars, and costume characters.
There will be plenty of food available for purchase from some of our local restaurants including Carrabba’s, Mamajuana Café and Mausam. Maschio’s will be there along with the Filipino Society and Civic Duty Partners preparing all your favorites. Come on down and enjoy an old fashioned Pig Roast. There will be a silent auction offering some great prizes including a Helicopter Ride, Guicci Bag, Giants vs. Viking Game tickets, Spirit Cruises in addition to Seton Hall Courtside Basketball Tickets and VIP Club, Pole Racing, Hotel stays and so much more.
“After the Blaze” is so much more than all the fun festivities of the day. It is our way to help these families who suffered so much. The fire not only violently took away their homes, but it also took away their sense of peace, and comfort. They lost everything from important documents, to heirlooms, clothing and furniture. They lost pictures of loved ones, toys for their children and left behind nothing but burnt memories and rubble. Each of these families walked away with nothing except each other and their lives. It’s time for all of us to help them rebuild their lives, their homes and begin new memories with friends and family.
I look forward to seeing each of you on Sunday, October 13 at the High School Performing Arts Center for the event that will change lives. Tickets are available at my office in Town Hall, the Senior Center, Recreation Center and all local schools. All proceeds will benefits the victims of the fire.
Mayor Mike Gonnelli