20 reasons to not vote for Zimmer

Dear Editor:
Here are 20 reasons to not vote for Dawn Zimmer in November:
1. Did not resolve flooding – never created a pump – not even 1
2. Did not reduce property taxes by 25 percent
3. Did not create affordable housing
4. Fewer police on street
5. Has never supported the local businesses
6. Made the parking rules more difficult to conduct business
7. Has not been open and transparent
8. Zimmer offered $5,000,000 of taxpayer’s money to the developers for the hospital sale.
9. Runs $2M in legal expenses a year
10. Never created a new park/supported eminent domain to steal private property
11. Hoboken has never been dirtier
12. Zimmer spent taxpayer’s money on a counter plan to NJ transit’s plan, but did not include any major community givebacks from the developers.
13. Did not put money into our crumbling infrastructure
14. Allows her husband to attend meetings (at least lunch meetings) for her
15. Accepts donations and hands out patronage jobs to supporters
16. Basically backs a Republican governor – so in essence is not a real Democrat
17. Was not prepared for Hurricane Sandy
18. Will not give the Vision 20/20 project the time of day
19. Backs a failing education platform of Kids First, which results in the worst HS in the state
20. We all know Stan, her husband is running the show, not Zimmer.
I personally do not hate the mayor, I just hate the fact that a former photographer with zero experience has been able to lie for so many years, break every campaign promise she has ever made and still manages to spin one of her 500 PR releases that everything in Hoboken is terrific. Well it is not. We are going backwards. The bar to be mayor should not be this low.
This is why I endorse Ruben Ramos as our next mayor. He has the experience and a better vision to set Hoboken in a new more progressive direction. I also endorse Joe Mindak, Laura Miani and Eduardo Gonzalez for city council.

David A. Liebler
13 year-Hoboken Resident/Activist
Vision for Hoboken volunteer

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