Two faced Democrats

Dear Editor:
I would like to comment on the non-support from some of our State Democratic Leaders for Gubernatorial Candidate Barbara Buono. It is a travesty that the National and State Democratic Committees could not, or actually would not, support the Democratic Nominee for Governor of New Jersey, Barbara Buono. Many of our democratic leaders, state and local, have openly supported the re-election of Chris Christie. All I can say is “turn – coats”.
Those Democratic leaders who support the re-election of Chris Christie are, in my humble opinion, cowards. For some insane reason, they believe that by their support of Christie or their non support of Buono, they might find favor with our republican Governor. Again, I say cowards!!!
The Governors office has released the funding formula for this state’s transportation fund. Guess what? The formula has changed to decrease funding in all democratic counties. All republican counties will see increases to the monies set aside for transportation, road and infrastructure repairs.
When will these democrats learn that Governor Christie is a republican and will use your “bipartisan legislative support” as fodder for his presidential run. All you cowards just do not get it. Governor Christie is using you, albeit may throw you table scraps. Nothing will change for the democratic, urban areas, under Christie’s rule.
Those Democrats that openly support Christie, and those that do not openly support Candidate Buono should resign their democratic posts. I’m ashamed of all of you.
All democrats should vote for Candidate Barbara Buono for Governor.

David Flood

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