Girls gone wild?

A 13-year-old Jersey City girl and a 14-year-old Bayonne girl were arrested on Sept. 26 and face charges related to driving of a vehicle reported stolen out of Jersey City.
The police said they responded to a report of a hit-and-run accident in which the vehicle the girls were driving struck a parked car near 531 Broadway.
Based on a description of the vehicle, the police stopped the car the two girls were driving. The 13-year-old girl, who was driving the car, had been reported missing out of Bayonne. She was charged with receiving stolen property, failure to report an accident, leaving the scene of an accident, reckless driving, unlicensed driving, and failure to wear a seat belt.

Naked to the waist

Paul Ward, 45, of Randolph, was charged with illegal use of a controlled dangerous substance, interfering with transportation, resisting arrest, aggravated assault, and other offenses after he was found walking against traffic along JFK Boulevard at about 7:36 p.m. on Sept. 26.
Police responded to a report of a man without a shirt walking up the street and saw Ward allegedly walking with his arms outstretched, forcing cars to swerve out of the way, according to the police report.
While the police were able to put cuffs on Ward, they were unable to place him in an ambulance after he allegedly resisted them.
When police tried to get him into the patrol car instead, Ward allegedly resisted them as well, causing injury to one of the officers. The officer reported feeling a pop in his shoulder and pain.
Unable to subdue him, the police officers, according to the report, used pepper spray with limited effect, but eventually were able to force him back onto the ground where they taped his legs.
Ward is suspected of having been under the influence of PCP, a powerful drug that often causes irrational and violent behavior in those that use it.

Unrestrained behavior?

Anthony Tillson, 24, of Bayonne was charged with violating a restraining order and resisting arrest after he allegedly fled out the rear apartment of a building on E. 21st Street and was found hiding in the back of a building on Broadway.
Police, according to the report, responded to a report by another unit that Tillson had climbed over the rear fence onto 21st Street. Recognizing him from a description, the police said they saw Tillson near 21st Street and Broadway. He allegedly ran toward Library Court, an alley that connects 21st Street and 22nd Street, but stopped to climb up a fire-escape ladder to the roof of a Broadway building. Police surrounded the building and then conducted a search. The report said they found Tillson on the 4th floor. He apparently also had two outstanding warrants from the Bayonne Municipal Court.

You can run, but you can’t hide

Guido Mauricio, 22, of Bayonne was charged with possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, intent to distribute within 1,000 feet of a school, possession of narcotic paraphernalia, and resisting arrest as a result of a police surveillance operation on Sept. 20.
Narcotic officers following up on arrest warrants said they saw Mauricio exit a building on West 15th street, and allegedly fled police when they tried to arrest him.
Pursued by the police, Mauricio reportedly ran into a rear yard where he allegedly discarded a large plastic bag that police said contained marijuana. The report said Mauricio fled into a basement and locked the door behind him. The police surrounded the building and arrested him when he came out the front door of the building.
A background check found that he had a warrant for $750 in unpaid fines to the Seaside Heights Municipal Court. He was sent to Hudson County Correctional Facility with a $50,000 bail.

A cry for help

Asmed Attia, 23, of Bayonne, was charged with possession of less than 50 grams of marijuana, possession of narcotics paraphernalia, and resisting arrest on Sept. 25.
Police on routine patrol behind Veterans Stadium at about 2:48 a.m. said they saw smoke coming out of the open window of a vehicle parked there and caught a strong order of burning marijuana.
When they investigated and illuminated the interior of the car with flash lights, the officers said they saw a clear plastic container with several small purple bags containing suspected marijuana.
After several attempts to get Attia to exit the car—he allegedly refused at first according to the report—he got out. At this point the officers informed him that he was under arrest.
According to the report, Attia then allegedly began to flail his arms and yelled the word, “help,” inadvertently striking one of the officers in the chest and right shoulder.
Eventually the officers subdued him and placed him in handcuffs. A search subsequent to the arrest allegedly found Attia in possession of six small bags containing suspected marijuana and a partially smoked marijuana cigarette.
Along with the other charges, Attia was also issued a summons for possession of a controlled dangerous substance in a motor vehicle.

Fight leads to arrest

Sabore Worrell, 22, of Bayonne, was charged with disorderly conduct after an alleged altercation with another man near Avenue C and 17th Street on Sept. 24 at about 1:15 a.m.
Police said they responded to the area on the report of a fight, and after separating the combatants told them to leave the area.
The report said Worrell allegedly became verbally abusive, yelling and waving his arms at the officers. He also refused medical attention when the ambulance arrived to treat the injuries he obtained as a result of the fight. When again he allegedly refused to leave the area, the officers arrested him, claiming that he allegedly resisted, yanking his wrists away when they attempted to put handcuffs on him.
After his arrest, he was transported to Bayonne Medical Center for treatment and later he was released on a summons from police custody.
He was charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

What’s that in your lap?

Frank Suarez, 24, of Bayonne, drew attention of police on patrol at about 1:15 a.m. on Sept. 25 when he seemed to look around nervously in a parked car on North Street while fiddling with someone in his lap. A woman in the passenger seat, the police report said, was also looking down at Suarez’s lap.
The police said the parked car had its interior light on and passenger door open as they passed. The patrol car circled the block and then when it returned, the officers said they saw Suarez allegedly rolling and licking what appeared to be a marijuana cigarette.
The police said that when they approached the vehicle Suarez allegedly threw two hand-rolled cigarettes to the floor of the car. The police said these appeared to have been laced with PCP, and a search uncovered several small bags containing suspected pot, two Oxycodone pills, and another bag containing residual PCE.
Suarez had $1,304 in unpaid finds, and was charged with possession of PCP, possession of a controlled dangerous substance, and possession of marijuana under 50 grams. He was sent to Central Judicial Processing Center in Jersey City.

Al Sullivan may be reached at

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