Allergy alert

To the Editor:

I wanted to sincerely express our appreciation to Preschool Play and Bishop Donato of St. Henry’s Church. I am writing this letter to the community to help you understand our situation and that of many other parents of children with severe food allergies in Bayonne. My child’s allergies (peanuts and all tree nuts) are life threatening, and he carries an Epi-Pen at all times. After finding that many of the preschools in Bayonne did not have a policy in place for children with such allergies, we were feeling defeated. Until we saw the sign go up on St. Henry’s lawn that a new school was coming to town this July. I was delighted when I spoke to Ms. Maureen and she explained that Preschool Playhouse would be nut-free. My child started this July when the doors opened. Bishop Donato has since made beautiful improvements to the space. The new paint, lighting, and flooring have made a significant difference in the appearance of the school. I was elated to hear at open-school night this past week that a playground is in the works. Thank you Bishop for helping to brighten the days for all of our children attending Preschool Playhouse. The staff at Preschool Playhouse has also made every effort to maintain a safe and healthy environment for all their students. Thank you, Ms. Maureen for creating a worry–free school year for my child.


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