Christie uses orphans again

Dear Editor:
When Gov. Christie stopped a movement for more transparency in adoption in favor of a large bureaucratic contact intermediary system, the adoption community knew the governor was not exactly a small government conservative. Adoptees have argued that their 4th Amendment rights have been trampled by the illegal government seizure of their birth certificates and now non-adopted persons feel a similar pain, as their phone calls and emails may be part of a massive government surveillance program. When asked about government spying at the Aspen Institute, the governor oddly evoked a similar emotional plea that he has sat across the table from orphans!
So if you don’t agree with him you don’t care about orphans? We have come to expect more from the governor who has whipped Democrats into shape by using research and hard data regarding the finances of our state and educational systems. Hopefully his reliance on exceptional anecdotal stories is evidence he is simply not well versed in certain issues and not that he truly believes we should sacrifice so many freedoms for a sense of security, especially when it is the government and not the people who feel secure in the end.

Yours truly,
MAJ Peter W. Franklin RPh (AWOL)

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