Sims Metal Management sends statement on fire

JERSEY CITY – Sims Metal Management released a statement to the press today, in response to press coverage about a fire that began Monday night.
Statement from Sims Metal Management:
“While this incident is still being investigated, we want to make clear that our information indicates Sims personnel promptly called 911, even as other employees were taking steps to respond to the fire, according to established protocols, by moving materials away from the fire, activating hoses and beginning to hose down the fire with water. It is not the case that we tried to fight this fire on our own in lieu of calling 911. In addition, we want to clarify that our company was not fined $100,000 for any violation related to the 2010 fire at the Claremont facility. In the wake of the 2010 fire, we were fined $2,000 by NJDEP, which was lessened to $1,000 because of our prompt payment.”
See for the earlier item on the fire.

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