Rep. King’s slurs about immigrants were ignorant and hurtful

Dear Editor:
I write this letter to address the ignorant and racially-charged comments regarding our nation’s immigrants, recently made by Congressman Steve King of Iowa. To identify immigrants as drug dealers is not rooted in any truth or reality. Such a statement is hurtful and aimed at forming prejudices that run counter to tolerance and American idealism. While many of us have prospered as in the United States, it is important to remember that at some point in time, someone in our family immigrated to the United States.
Thanks to the millions who braved the journey from their homelands, we are grateful to have numerous professionals who represent the globe. As increased travel and technology encourage interaction amongst cultures, modern views should be encouraged, promoting the benefits of diversity. These modern views should be complementary of the experience of the immigrant and the greatness that may come of culture-sharing.
In closing, it is my hope that Congressman King recognizes that his views are outdated and certainly not acceptable and that he will take measures to repair harm that was caused by his comments.

State Senator Brian P. Stack

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