Hoboken Girl Scouts complete projects

Hoboken Girl Scout Troop 12402 completed their Junior Journey Awards this week with a community service project. The scouts did everything from picking their projects, to forming a team and implementing the work. One patrol wanted to beautify Hoboken and honor our veterans. They organized a bake sale at Church Square Park (earning $262) purchased flowers and planted at the WWII Memorial on River Street. Thank you to Vince at 14th Street Garden Center who donated some of the plants. Working with City Hall and the Parks Department, they planted just in time for Memorial Day.
Another patrol wanted to help the animals and they focused their project on getting supplies for the Liberty Humane Society in Jersey City. They did a collection drive, looking for old towels and baby socks. Using their sewing skills they turned the baby socks into cat toys and used the towels to line the animal cages to make a soft and cozy spot. The scouts will participate in a badge ceremony on May 31st to receive their Journey Award Badge. The Journey Award is the first step in completing their Bronze Award, which is highest award a Junior Girl Scout can earn!


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