Dear Editor:
You know how I like to say, “Time will tell, then Tom will tell.” Well here is another example. At the 4/9/15 town council meeting, I expressed my opinion to the mayor and council calling for a vote to award a contract for a relocation of one, Bocce Court in the amount of #39,930.00. I believed the cost to be excessive. I went on to say that if I had been on the town council I would have voted “No” on this resolution. Check the record. I could cite many occasions that when a resolution came before whatever Board of Authority I was sitting on at the time, (I served 15 years on the Secaucus Board of Education and 5 years on the Secaucus Housing Authority), when I voted “No” and called for a re-bid, the bid did come down considerably.
Let’s face it- what would have been the big deal if the bocce league had to delay the opening of the season and re-bid for a third court, a court that is only used for a make-up game? Mr.De Gilio in his letter blasting me in my opinion was uncalled for and I resented his implications.
On 4/18/13 in a letter, Frank De Gilio attempted to make it appear that I was against the bocce league, the need for the third bocce court, and against the 72 “little people” (that’s what he called played that participate in the league.) I learned after attending a later council meeting that mayor Gonnelli had called Frank De Gilio and told him what had transpired at the 4/9/13 council meeting. Frank took it upon himself to take a shot at me. In my opinion, all he was doing was kissing up to the powers that be at my expense.
Fast forward: On Sunday, July 7th 2013, I was informed that the Bocce League will be cancelled upon further notice. Question: Who made this decision and why?
Frank had the nerve to say this in the closing of his letter, 4/18/13- “Mr. Troyer please stick to politics and leave the little people alone. We will be starting our nineteenth season, so we must be doing something right. I try not to make statements that some day may turn around to bite me, you know where. In my letter I made the statement that “many people I spoke with agreed with me that the $39,930.00 cost for one bocce court is excessive.”” Mr. De Gilio in his letter stated that he was “sure I did not ask any of the other 71 bocce players if that court was excessive.” He sure was wrong, because I did. Now I have a question for him. How many of the 72 bocce players did he speak to/with before the league cancelled until further notice phone call was made?
Tom Troyer
Present Bocce player, looking to get back to playing!