Hoboken Baby Parade: Ol’ Blue Eyes wore a diaper … and lots of pirates

HOBOKEN — The Hoboken Historical Museum held its annual Baby Parade on Sunday afternoon and drew babies in a variety of cuddly costumes, a few of whom came from other parts of the state. The parade is a tradition revived from the early 1900s, when the town hosted such a parade so that all the immigrant families with babies could find out how to get proper health services, and meet each other.
This time around, one family, the Kohlmanns, came all the way from Brick with their elaborate pirate ship. Father Kevin Kohlmann said that he built it for son Keith for the last Halloween, but if you can remember what happened down the shore (and also in Hoboken) last Halloween, he didn’t get to use it. So he joined the fun in Hoboken.
But most of the participants were from the immediate area.
Baby Harper Franceski and parents John and Erica, along with sister Lola, cruised along as part of an elaborate Jack and the Beanstalk display that won a prize at the end.
Little Erick Stoll showed his Hoboken pride by wearing a hat as “Lil’ Blue Eyes.” But did Frank Sinatra wear a diaper?
One young man was dressed as a recycling bag, and had a piece of the Hoboken Reporter taped to his back! We are all for that. Thanks for the excellent plug, little dude! Someone mentioned that he was a recycling bag, to which he replied, “No, I’m Sean.”
In the best display of pure geekery at the event, a man and woman wearing Star Trek outfits pushed their baby in the Starship Enterprise. Nerd power!!
The participants met up at Sinatra Park, marched ve-r-y slowly through the scorching heat to Pier A, and enjoyed a trophy ceremony for the winners. Gift bags were provided full of goodies from local merchants.
You can check out some of the photos here, but watch for many more in this coming weekend’s print edition of the Hoboken Reporter.

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