From homeowners to homeless

Dear Editor:

Yesterday we had a costly mishap? (accident) in our neighbor city of Hoboken where United Water or a contractor working for UW broke a main water pipe that contributed to another major breakage of a second one creating water damage in basements, broken streets’ pavement and sidewalks. This man-created disaster will cost millions of dollars. Who will pay for it?
I’ll bet that as always the taxpayers, mostly the “lucky” homeowners of Hudson County, will take the tab and help United Water and the infamous HCSA (Hudson County Sewerage Authority) to cover the expenses. Note that when UW and HCSA make a profit they don’t share it with us. But, of course, who make the rules?
I only hope for a day when we the homeowners of this county have a voice to represent our interests or a US Senator, or State Senator, or mayor or even a commissioner who show support for us.
Our cities taxes goes up every year, the insurance premiums went up (due to Sandy?), the clean water is up, better not to mention the abusive “dirty” water processing cost, the PSE&G charges are also up (again, due to Sandy?) and if you are retired, as we are, our SS checks went up a ridiculous and offensive 1.4 percent. Soon, very soon, we will be turned out from homeowners to homeless.
My wife and I are residents of this same home for 43 years, and believe me, we can not take it anymore. Do we have any homeowners association or retired homeowners group who can represent us and raise our voices? Or should we sit down until we lose our homes?

Jose J. Aedo,
Union City

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