Report: No. 7 subway may still run from NYC to Secaucus, Hoboken

HUDSON COUNTY — The Star-Ledger reported today that a report commissioned by New York City touts the benefits of extending the subway train into New Jersey.
The story says, “Traveling by subway from Secaucus to the Mets’ Citi Field may resurface as a possibility. A plan to extend the No. 7 New York City subway to New Jersey, presumed dead a year ago when the chairman of the New York MTA said it wouldn’t happen ‘in anybody’s lifetime,’ could be revived. A report commissioned by New York City, expected to be posted this morning on the city’s Economic Development Corp. website, extols the benefits of the plan … The report, obtained by The Star-Ledger, noted the next step would be an advanced study on the feasibility of extending the No. 7 subway line — which runs from Queens to Times Square — into Secaucus Junction. Coordinated with the Federal Transit Administration, the study would include a cost benefit analysis, identification of financing opportunities and analysis of ridership and revenue.”
In the past, some officials talked about extending it to Hoboken as well.

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