Dear Editor:
I just wanted to say a big thank you and a job well done to North Bergen Mayor State Senator Nicholas Sacco, Commissioner of Public Works Frank Garguilo, The North Bergen DPW crew, Paul Juliano, Director of DPW, Fairview, N.J. and the Fairview DPW crew who all worked so diligently over a few years time to finish the job on Tonnelle Ave. (1 & 9) between 83rd St. & 90th St. North Bergen to Fairview, N.J.
The road surface is smooth and comfortable. Excellent job gentlemen!! I travel thru this area a minimum of 4 times daily. So this is a wonderful job accomplishment! It goes to show that no matter what North Bergen officials are on the job day and night getting the job done for all the people!!
I really appreciate the smooth roadway and no more traffic delays! Thank you again Mayor State Senator Sacco, North Bergen, N. B. Commissioner Frank Garguilo, DPW Dir. Fairview Paul Juliano and your respective crews in North Bergen and Fairview DPW Depts!
E.V. Stack
Teaneck, N.J.