“Windows on Washington Street”

Dear Editor:
As members of hob’art, the only nonprofit cooperative gallery in Hoboken, located in the Monroe Arts Center, we are responding to the very interesting letter from John Bredin that was published in the Hoboken Reporter on February 24th.
We totally agree with Mr. Bredin that Hoboken needs a gallery or small art museum on Washington Street. This city was once know as the Art Mecca of Northern New Jersey. Other New Jersey towns used the rallying cry of, “Join the next Hoboken style art city,” when they tried to recruit artists to move to their area.
The hob’art co-operative gallery has been promoting a program entitled, “Windows on Washington Street,” for some time by approaching real estate agents and empty store owners to allow our group to set up temporary art exhibits in their shops. Barbara Tulko was the only one who allowed us to present two well attended art shows at 716 Washington Street. The shop look so attractive with our art displayed hanging on the temporary room dividers that we supplied, it was rented by a visitor to our second opening reception. We are still trying to find other forward looking storefront owners to emulate Ms. Tulko’s decision to allow our members to beautify their shops.
As Hoboken has demonstrated in the past, when art and artists come to a city, commerce and residents follow. If we could present to our citizens and visitors the opportunity to stroll along Washington Street stopping in restaurants, art venues, and bars, everyone would benefit. We thank John Bredin for promoting the idea of again making Hoboken the art capitol it once was.
In a perfect world, hob’art would be able to find a store owner who could help us exhibit on Washington Street permanently, but until then we will happily settle for temporary Pop-Up galleries. In the meantime, please visit our wonderful gallery at 720 Monroe Street, #E208, that is supported by Mr. Hershy Weiss and the Monroe Art Center. It is open Thursday thru Sunday, 1-5pm and by appointment.

Liz Cohen, President
Roslyn Rose, Public Relations Chair

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