‘Thank you, JCMC’

To the Editor:

I would like to thank Dr. Victor Adaniel, partner of Dr. John Dedousis of Bayonne, for the care he’s given my very ill daughter Stephanie. Dr. Adaniel has been with Dr. Dedousis for several years and he is one of the most caring doctors out there. She has so many conditions caused by long-term medication use and he is always researching new treatments. I can always trust that Drs. Dedousis and Adaniel and their staff will be there when we need them.
Over the past three months, my daughter has been very ill and in and out of Jersey City Medical Center. Several weeks ago, while Dr. Adaniel was off-duty for the weekend, my daughter was experiencing respiratory failure. Two doctors didn’t act fast enough and chose to wait before instituting critical care for her, which was not the right call. Dr. Adaniel came back that Monday and immediately jumped into action, removing a line that was infected, drawing his own blood cultures, and working tirelessly to turn her around. She started to respond to treatment and was able to get well and come home.
He gave me his direct number and told me if he was ever off-duty to contact him directly. Last weekend her foot was in pain and a little hot to the touch. I immediately contacted Dr Adaniel who was off for the weekend and he told me to call EMS and he’d see us at the hospital. Good thing because she had an infection in her foot, but that was not all: she had two pulmonary embolisms. Had it not been for him sending us to the ER, my daughter quite possibly would not be here.
I would also like to thank the ICU staff and staff of 7-W at Jersey City Medical Center for being there for me and my daughter when rapid response was called twice, including nurse Mark Llades, Cindy C. of ICU, Liz, Amber, Butch in respiratory, her doctors Dr. Go. Dr. Weissman, her new pulmonologist Dr. Matta and Dr. Rao Mikkelinini. Thank you to the ER staff, McCabe Ambulance, and JCMC ambulance crew too. I would also like to thank her ENT, Dr. Louis Conte and staff for always being there for Stephanie and calling when she is ill and in the hospital. We have very amazing doctors in our area who really do not get the recognition they deserve. Also, thank you to MD Respiratory for all of the help with her medical equipment and oxygen set-up. Anthony, who delivers and sets up the equipment, is wonderful. Also, thank you to Hudacko’s pharmacy and their staff for always helping when medications aren’t covered. I really cannot thank everyone enough.


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