Ramos declares candidacy for mayor of Hoboken

HOBOKEN — Assemblyman Ruben Ramos Jr. announced Thursday that he is running for mayor of Hoboken, the first challenger in a race against Mayor Dawn Zimmer this November.
“For years I’ve been an advocate for our city,” Ramos said. “Now more than ever, I believe Hoboken needs a leader with a clear vision for the city, a leader who is willing to work with all sides for solutions. For that reason, I am officially announcing my candidacy for mayor.”
Running on Ramos’ slate for City Council are Joe Mindak, publisher of hMAG, former Rotarian of the Year, and co-founder of the Hoboken Dads’ Group; Laura Miani, a finance industry professional, open space advocate, and trustee at Stevens Cooperative School, and Eduardo Gonzalez, a board member of the Hoboken Housing Authority, a portfolio manager at a large institutional bank, and trustee at Elysian Charter School.
Ramos and his wife, Norma, live in Hoboken with their three children, Gail, Isabel, and Ryan. Mindak, Miani, and Gonzalez each lives in Hoboken, is married, and has two children who attend school in Hoboken.
“We’re men and women of various backgrounds, we’re parents, businessmen and community leaders working together on a vision for Hoboken’s future,” Ramos said. “There’s no single solution to the challenges in our community, and we want to have a conversation with the community about how we can make Hoboken a better place to live. We’re not afraid to stand up and negotiate for Hoboken, even if it’s politically unpopular.”
Ramos has represented Hoboken and the 33rd Legislative District in Trenton since 2008. “As a public servant, I cringe when I see officials shortchanging the people over politics,” Ramos said. “I’ve found, above all else, people want solutions. They are tired of one-sided politics and a failure to recognize or respect different points of view. I’ve been fighting for thoughtful and much needed reform and I will continue to do so as mayor.”
Ramos said he has worked across the aisle to reduce out-of-control pension and benefit costs. He said he crossed party lines in 2010 to ensure a fiscally responsible budget was passed and prevented a government shutdown. He expects to bring the same leadership to City Hall.
“We can be a city united, a city thriving, safe, and beautiful,” he said. “We need to stop the factionalism and create a common vision. This campaign will present our vision for this city; we’re a slate comprised of different backgrounds working together for a common vision for Hoboken.”
Ramos’ council candidates will face the council-at-large candidates allied with Mayor Dawn Zimmer, including Ravi Bhalla and David Mello. — By Al Sullivan

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