Dear Editor:
On January 20, 2013, the Reporter printed a letter titled, “Cow’s milk – unfit for human consumption”. I question whether the writer has any nutrition credentials. As pediatricians practicing for over 27 years, we make recommendations for patients according to sound science-based nutrition information that is supported by American Academy of Pediatrics’ 2006 Guideline Statement: Dietary Recommendations for Children and Adolescents and the 2010 US Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
The type of misinformation put forth in the letter is of great concern to us as health professionals. Along with our colleagues, we spend many years of study and continuing education to ensure we are providing accurate nutrition information to our clients, not opinions based on personal belief systems.
Bottom line, dairy recommendations are evidence based. The health benefits of drinking milk have been well documented by decades of nutrition research, and are backed up by the nutrition and science community. This includes the National Osteoporosis Foundation, U.S. Surgeon General, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and many other leading health organizations.
This body of science has led to the Dietary Guidelines recommendation for three servings of low-fat and fat-free milk or equivalent milk products daily as part of a healthy diet. The American Cancer Society also advises that men and women meet recommended calcium levels by choosing high-calcium foods like low-fat dairy products.
In terms of lactose intolerance, it’s important to recognize that there are a number of dairy options such as lactose free milk and dairy products that are lower in lactose- such as natural cheeses (Cheddar and Swiss) and yogurt.
All dietary recommendations should be based on sound science, endorsed by recognized health organizations and supported by an individual’s physician or registered dietitian. Looking for credible nutrition information? Visit to locate a registered dietitian near you.
Elliot Rubin, MD, FAAP
University Pediatric Associates, PA
AAPNJ Vice President
Jeff Bienstock, MD, FAAP
PediatriCare Associates
AAPNJ Vice President- Elect