‘An inspiration to your generation’

To the Editor:

In the days of a so-called “give me” society, here is a little story for those disheartened by today’s self-absorbed population.
Several days ago, one of Bayonne’s finest appeared at my home. I am sorry but I did not get his name. He held in his hand a vinyl envelope, which contained my car’s insurance card and registration. The officer explained that a young man brought this to the station after finding it on the street. He then provided me with the name and cell phone number of the young man.
It seems the envelope fell out of my car onto the street while I was leaving work at Woodrow Wilson School. One of the seventh grade students, Nick Kiniery, found it and brought it to the authorities. Now Nick could have left it there, thrown it in the trash or a sewer, any number of things. Nick chose to do the honorable thing, the right thing – he brought it to the police.
Nick has saved my husband and me from countless hours of having to recover the documents, simply by doing the honorable thing. In gratitude, I presented Nick with a card and a small monetary reward. Nick refused to take the money; he simply said, “I cannot accept this.” I have to say, I am overwhelmed by Nick’s integrity. To his parents, I simply say, “Well done!” I know you are very proud of him, and you should also be commended for you have instilled in your son a sense of decency and moral values. With this foundation and proper guidance, Nick will be a success in all of his endeavors. Nick, thank you for giving me hope in our future. You are a true role model and an inspiration to your generation.

Technology Teacher
Woodrow Wilson School

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