2013 to do list

Residents share their resolutions for the New Year

Ask people if they’ve made a resolution for 2013, and you are likely to get rolling eyes and a quick laugh.
Perhaps there’s something quaint and old-fashioned about making a New Year’s resolution. (And perhaps some people make resolutions privately and don’t wish to share them with the general public.) Still, many people use the closing of one year and the beginning of another to take stock of their lives and set goals.
Five people recently shared their goals for 2013 – even though most scoffed at the word “resolution.”

Becky Chin

2013 Resolution: Spend more time with ailing father

“In 2011 my father had a stroke. He’s slowly getting better, but it’s been more than a year and he’s still struggling a little bit with his health and other things that had to do with the stroke. Everybody in the family is kind of doing what they can to help out. But I kind of realized this year that one thing he needs is social activity and more interaction with people. He kind of aged a little after the stroke because he was either in the hospital, in rehab facilities, or at home. He’s more mobile now and is able to walk a little. So, I’ve decided to take him out more in 2013, especially when the weather gets warmer.”

Burt Sommer

2013 Resolution: Lose weight

“Oh, my resolution probably wouldn’t interest anybody. Like half of America, I’m trying to lose weight. So, I guess that would be the closest thing I have to a New Years resolution. I recently got engaged. My girlfriend and I haven’t set a wedding date yet. But I’m sure the wedding will be either [this year or next]. I want to look good in the photos, so I want to get rid of my gut. I expect I’ll be drinking a lot less beer this year than I normally drink!”

Deena Thomas

2013 Resolution: Get a life

“I don’t know that I would call this a resolution, but I want to start enjoying myself a little more. When the recession started, it seemed like a lot of people I knew were either getting laid off or were unemployed. I had a job, but all the anxiety around money made me really frugal and nervous about the economy in general and my own finances. So, I kind of stopped doing a lot of things that I really enjoy. I stopped going out to the movies. I stopped going out to live concerts and shows in the city. I stopped going to museums. Eventually I kind of realized I have no life. All the things I used to do all the time, I haven’t done in years. I think that’s going to end in 2013.”

Eileen Johnston

2013 Resolution: Nothing

“You know, I don’t think I’ve ever had a new year’s resolution in my life! If that motivates you to do something, then fine. Go ahead and make a resolution. But from what I see resolutions are like certain rules – they’re made to get broken! I know very few people who actually make resolutions and keep them. If I want to set a goal, I just do it and stick to it. If I set a goal that I know I’m probably not going to stick to, I might get my friends to help me stay motivated. But I’m not one for resolutions.”

Ray “Raghunath” Cappo

2013 Resolution: Disconnect, reconnect

I plan to lose the WiFi/internet in my home and add two committed hours daily of reading and meditation.

E-mail E. Assata Wright at awright@hudsonreporter.com.


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