Shared power and gratitude

Dear Editor:
Each of us will have something or someone that will stand out in our memory of this recent devastating storm. For me it is the image of “Shared Power” that comes to mind as I remember events post-Sandy. Those who had power, for the most part, shared it with those who did not. The Community of Hoboken came alive, fed by the goodness, kindness and generosity that was always there but unexpressed. It was not a “spontaneous generation” of goodwill, the seeds were already there. I had the good fortune to be at St. Matthews Trinity Lutheran Church for most of the first week and experienced firsthand the goodness, concern and actions of our fellow Hoboken citizens.
I love this town and its people and am so proud of all those who did whatever it was that they did, seen or unseen, to help others through a very difficult time. There is still a great deal to be done but working together, we, as a community, can do it. Now if our local and national politicians could only model their actions on those of the people they represent, think how much better off we would be. Shared Power does not only apply to electrons. If they were more willing to share influence and ideas and to compromise, how great that would be.

Rose Orozco

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