Hoboken updates: Schools closed through Tuesday; list of open supermarkets; Jersey City Target open; where to get free food; more…

HOBOKEN — The Hoboken public schools are closed through Tuesday, Nov. 6.

The city of Hoboken has released this update, regarding various emergency topics:

MEDICAL: HUMC is open (7am-7pm) as an urgent care center only. Downtown CVS (Newark St & Washington St), uptown Rite Aid (13th St & Willow Ave) is open. For emergency care call 201-420-2100.

POWER: PSE&G & FEMA are working to restore power as quickly as possible. Dozens of personnel are working at each substation. Facilities have extensive water damage, and a lot of equipment has to be replaced before service can be restored. Partial power was restored on Thursday evening. PSE&G info center is at Washington & Observer Hwy and also has free charging station, laptops, wifi, and ice.

WATER: The tap water is safe to drink. Water tanks are available at 1st St & Washington St and 315 Hudson St. Bring your own container.

FOOD: The A&P, Target Jersey City, downtown CVS, uptown Rite Aid, Kings, Aspen Market, Basic, and other stores are reopening. Food trucks with free meals are at Church Square Park, 3rd St & Washington St, and other locations throughout the city. Elks Club (10th & Washington) is serving food.

ICE: Free ice is available at PSE&G comfort center at Washington St & Observer Hwy.

GARBAGE: Trash is being picked up. Damaged furniture can be left at curb. Separate white goods (appliances) into separate pile. They must be recycled.

GAS: Conserve fuel – statewide fuel shortage. Hess on Boulevard East in Weehawken is open.

ATMs: Observer Hwy & Bloomfield St, Hudson & 4th

BUS: A free shuttle (school bus) will run continuously up and down Washington St (9am-5pm).

DISASTER RELIEF (FEMA): Call: 800-621-FEMA (3362), Online: www.disasterassistance.gov, In person: A FEMA Disaster Recovery Center will be set up in Hoboken in the next few days.

ELECTIONS: Per the Secretary of the State, the Election is still scheduled for Tuesday, November 6, 2012. Information will be provided as it becomes available.


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