Taxpayers are being fleeced

To the Editor:

There have been a few letters from Bayonne citizens complaining about the mismanagement of funds in this city. Recently there was another noteworthy letter from Mr. Protocollo. He expressed his outrage for what’s happening to the taxpayer and to the City of Bayonne. He explained it plain and simple.
We taxpayers are being fleeced. Due to the incompetent turkeys in City Hall, they continue to rely on us citizens as their cash cow. We pay their salaries, pensions, benefits, all while our savings are drying up. These people are making decisions for us. What has been the outcome? Bayonne is still a mess.
Aren’t we the employers? Aren’t they the employees? They’re making money. We, the taxpayers, are losing money while our taxes still go up. Who is working for who here? Can’t you see that there is something very wrong with this picture? If a boss hires a worker and he’s incompetent, he fires him!
I watched the MUA council on TV. They claim they have been working on this water problem for 11 months. Why weren’t a select group of citizens sitting in on some of these decisions? No, they make these decisions behind closed doors. Why is that?
What we really need is a citizen’s union or a lobbyist to represent the taxpayers, because these turkeys in City Hall are certainly not looking out for us. Government should never be trusted with a monopoly power over money. When they have it, they always abuse it.
A sign on the back of a septic tank truck said, “Caution: This truck is full of political promises.”


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