Stack commends Obama

Dear Editor:
I write this letter to commend President Obama’s recent initiative to grant work permits to people under 30 years of age, who have not obtained legal status in the United States. This was a humane gesture and truly the right thing to do. Ultimately, we are all part of the human race and seeking a better life for ourselves and for our families.
All of the individuals who will benefit from this initiative, came to this great nation while they were youngsters. It is evident that it was not their decision to relocate to the United States. It is absurd to penalize the well-intentioned and hard working people who will take jobs that many would not ever fathom accepting, such as washing dishes at a diner, landscaping, or physical labor.
This new policy is also good for the economy. Hopefully, a more permanent solution will be achieved by Congress when they have the political fortitude to offer the American dream to those who are deserving of such an ideal.
As our world becomes increasingly smaller through technology, it’s time to recognize that as people, we are more alike than different. We should really be focused on how we can support one another, instead of focusing on arguments that are fueled by race. This is not my attempt to be idealistic, rather it is my recognition of the practical changes that now shape our world.

Brian P. Stack
State Senator

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