Jersey City teens intern at Boys & Girls Club

According to the latest jobs numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, teens face the highest rate of unemployment at 24.6 percent. To mitigate this national issue, Bank of America is helping local students, including five from New Jersey, secure jobs and give back to their community this summer.
This includes Jersey City residents Titania Chin, a recent graduate of Dr. Ronald E. McNair Academic High School, and Mihir Shah, a recent graduate of William L. Dickinson High School, who are interning at the Boys & Girls Club of Hudson County. Tatiana is also a Girl Scout assistant leader and has volunteered with the Liberty Science Center, Sharing Place for the Needy and as a peer leader. Mihir is president of the Student Council, vice president of the City-Wide Superintendent’s Student Council and has volunteered with Big Brother Big Sister, Lead for Diversity and for an anti-bullying summit.
The five students are part of a national Bank of America program called Student Leaders. The program recognizes high school juniors and seniors who have demonstrated a commitment to community engagement and volunteerism. Each student receives a paid eight-week internship, which provides students with valuable work experience while also supporting the nonprofits with extra help this summer.
In addition to the internships, students also traveled to Washington, D.C. to take part in a national Student Leadership Summit where they will further develop their leadership skills, network with other students from around the country and participate in a service project.


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