Where are those Jersey City bylaws?

Dear Editor:
In June 2011, I was elected committeeman in D-28, and the first thing I asked for was a copy of the bylaws. I and fellow committee members have done everything we can to acquire them. Every time we ask an official, we get the old Jerry Healy shrug of the shoulders. What does that mean anyway? Confused? Don’t know? Don’t care? My bet is all of the above.
I’d never ask Healy for help, as he shouted “No!” when I asked him to make a motion allowing senior citizens to vote first the night we voted in a chairman. It was awfully hot at the Moose Hall. The only one that tried to help was Freeholder Anthony Romano. He provided the contact phone number of Hoboken Democratic Chairman Jamie Cryan who does have bylaws for that nearby town in Hudson. However, I got an old rendition of Van Halen’s “it said give me (give me a call sometime) …but she knows just what that would get her…oh oh oh….”
Thanks anyway Stick. We know you had good intentions. I prefer the Ozzy tune “Ironman” anyway.
I’ll be open and clear. I am respectfully taking this opportunity to publicly ask HCDO Chairman Mark Smith and JCDC Chairman Jeff Dublin for the bylaws. There you have it, counselor.
It’s possible that the “powers that be” don’t want the elected committee representatives to read the bylaws because it may empower us.
God forbid.
On behalf of a number of elected committee members, I’m prepared to never give up the fight to get this document that I’m sure we are legally entitled to. I’m prepared to form a sub committee and file a lawsuit if need be. We expect the gainsaying and canards. It would be a reach if we get a story like, “the bylaws were lost in the city hall fire in the 70’s” or “in the 30’s Frank Hague destroyed every copy.” Sounds like tall tales, but even if they are nowhere to be found, it would be a great opportunity for the JCDC to rewrite or write a new set. I heard on the street that’s what Hoboken did. I know a host of professionals, elected committee people, who would gladly lend a hand to voluntarily create bylaws.
My guess is that the likelihood of the HCDO and/or the JCDC not having them is low. If there are bylaws on the record, and we can not have them, I believe someone is breaking NJ election law and violating our civil liberties. Just an opinion. I’d like to take that opinion to my good friends at Channel 7 Eyewitness News. They love this stuff. Wait, can I do that? I don’t know. I have never read those darn bylaws!
This can all be rectified quickly and easily. It is a chance for Smith and Dublin to get us bylaws to read.

James Francis Waddleton
Committeeman D-28, Ward D

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