‘Shades of Grey’ good for the library

Dear Editor:
Good for Shades of Grey. At first, I was appalled that a rather earthy book could be in such demand that it made the front the page of the Hoboken Reporter, but if this book introduces some of the other wonderful attributes of the Hoboken Library, then so be it.
Saturday, the 16th of June, I heard the most magnificent, calming music coming from Kava’s mandolin, or the musical instrument that he played. It was magnificent. The only problem with it is that I could not transport it to my residence, especially about 8pm when my Grandsons are there. Oh so beautiful…and so few people sitting there to listen, but you know they did have an audience with the people coming to Church Park. I saw a little one sitting there mesmerized. It is such a good opportunity for artists to become recognized and to practice with a microphone, in front of people. I loved Athan’s poetry. Go next month on the 3rd Saturday. Enjoy or participate. Love your library, they are there for you and the Bolivian, Guitar playing spokesperson is spectacular.
That said, please thank the people that are trying to save separate parts of Church Square. What I don’t understand if why they have to. The key word is ‘a popular park’. Why is it popular when there are other alternatives that are also close. It is comfortable. (except maybe the Astroturf). Church park reminded me of a boss I once had. He had the philosophy, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Church Square is not broke…it is popular. Sure spiff it up as you would when cleaning your home, but leave a good thing alone, will ya.

Bonnie Toadvyn

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