Thank you, Mrs. Hefnawy

To the Editor:
I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Mrs. Felicia Hefnawy for her most generous and thoughtful donation of $200 to the P.G. Vroom School Green team. The Funds will be used to plant a perennial bulb garden on school property this fall. With the skills of the Green Team, it will become a welcome and lovely sight each spring.
Mrs. Hefnawy’s son was a member of the Green Team last year as a fourth grader. As she walked him up the driveway of our school recently, she commented to me on the eight cedar planters and trellises now in bloom with beautiful clematis. These were the product of a $500 grant awarded to our school last year from the Bayonne Education Foundation. As we spoke, she was unselfishly inspired to contribute to further beautify the grounds at P.G. Vroom.
Her philanthropy has already benefited our club and in the fall, the spring garden will be planted on the eastern corner of the front lawn for the community to enjoy, as well as the students and staff here. My sincere thanks to Mrs. Hefnawy for her thoughtful gift.

Green Team coordinator

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