Support the UCS’s plan

Dear Editor:
As a member of the Union of Concerned Scientists, and the New York Academy of Science, I am afforded access to information related to energy production and consumption, as well as climate change and the environment.
There is a clear consensus among people who have access to the empirical data regarding these topics. We know that burning hydrocarbon fuels releases toxins (gases & particulate matter) into the air, soil and water which is poisonous to us and which is increasing incidence of disease, respiratory illnesses, etc. We also know that burning fossil fuels increases the greenhouse gases which directly affect our climate. Much warmer and the methane in the ocean may melt, (Venus anyone?).
Further, the population of the world is demanding more energy (even without increase in pop size, energy needs will still skyrocket). Hydrocarbons cannot meet that need, period, full stop.
The UCS has a plan to help curb the need for hydrocarbon fuel, we need to support this, as a bridge/stop-gap until such time as we can bring online more solar, and nuclear power. We need to dramatically improve building and transport energy consumption efficiency. If we do not, we face a very dystopian future.

Mr. Nick Mirto

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