Dear Editor:
It is so sad to see a person that benefits so much from this great country glorify Fidel Castro who for over fifty years has been a big hater of this country. Ossie Guillen was born in a poor setting back in Venezuela. Today he is a millionaire thanks to the opportunities he received in this country. I and millions of immigrants are thankful to this country for allowing us to live the American dream.
When I came to this country from Cuba in 1968, I was eleven years old, and immediately I became involved with the Little League Program. At this sporting program I met two outstanding individuals that gave everything back to the youth of this community. The late Vito D’Orio and Nick “Whizzer” Mastorelli became people I looked up to for their personal commitment that made city life a better place to achieve the “American Dream.”
Today there are over seventy five thousand people that live in Union City and over ninety per cent are of Hispanic heritage. It is a fact that Union City Mayor and State Senator Brian P. Stack is highly respected and trusted because he constantly keeps our city in motion. A perfect example of his work is when he appointed Brian Barrett as the new police chief of the Police Dept. There are plenty of individuals that deserve praise for individuals who are doing positive things in our society. My advice to people like Ozzie Guillen is to take off your sunglasses and appreciate the good deeds of this great country.
With Respect,
Raul “Pico” Marquez