New initiatives for Connors School

Dear Editor:

I am writing regarding the recent CAPA Report presented at the Feb. 14th BOE meeting.
The CAPA Report and presentation was the culmination of a four day intensive review of Connors School by an outside team. This review is necessary for any NJ school designated as in need of improvement as Connors has been since 2008.
It was an incredibly detailed review, incorporating document reviews, visits, interviews and observations. The report is 33 pages, identifying areas of strengths and concerns while offering commendations and recommendations to increase opportunities for all children in Connors.
Although the reason for the visit was unsatisfactory test performance over a period of years, the report was by no means all negative. I personally saw the report as a unique opportunity to provide a comprehensive view and a laser focus on Connors.
The report and recommended action plan validated many of the initiatives already being implemented. For example, the report indicated as a strength at Connors, the district’s professional L.A. and math consultants who provide on-site, job embedded support followed by a teacher conference. Also noted were the ongoing partnerships with Caldwell College and the Hudson County Professional Development Consortium. The district is also hiring additional reading and math coaches to work in the school. Other improvements noted were the districts use of real-time computer based assessments and Success Maker, an individualized program tailored to each child’s instruction level. Noted as an easy fix was the recent creation of 90 minute blocks for math instruction. Another recommendation which is ongoing is the utilization of technology in classrooms via the new smart boards. All the schools, including Connors now participate in the new, expanded Gifted and Talented Program, grades k-7.
The report also mentioned that recent changes in curriculum and administration may have been unsettling to some staff, however, it also states that the parents, students, teachers and staff are still adjusting to changes in the school that all agree were needed Ms. Pereira, the new Principal at Connors, has many new successful mechanisms in place, including several school climate initiatives such as signing and distributing a personal pledge to ensure student success, sharing inspirational quotes and stories with the children each morning and creating a Connors pride committee for the parents.
I was honored to tour Connors with three of my board colleagues Gold, Rhodes-Kearns and Markle after the CAPA presentation. I have been to Connors many, many times over the years. It is always my pleasure to visit the bright and cheerful building and chat with the students and teachers. What struck me on this day was the sense of team work throughout the building. The teachers and the children were very excited to show off their data walls, smart boards, academic portfolios and artwork displayed in every classroom. I invite everyone to visit Connors for themselves, especially those considering kindergarten in the near future. It is a wonderful place full of beautiful children and great promise and pride.

Irene Sobolov

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