High gas prices

To the Editor:
Daniel Beckelman (2/29/12) wrote in his letter about the high gas prices and how the Keystone Pipeline should have been approved by President Obama. If Mr. Beckelman did his homework concerning the pipeline, he would know that there already is a Keystone Pipeline. The one being talked of now will expand the existing pipeline. He would also know that the pipeline is only for exporting oil and not for consumption in the U.S. It will not increase our oil supply. It’s only a gift to the oil companies.
The pipeline is run by a company with the worst safety record. There’s already been 16 leaks. Why do you think those states involved are protesting it because of the dangerous long term health risks for thousands? The pollution from the filthy tar sands is the worst ever in the world. We already have tens of thousands of our citizens sickened from all of the oil spills and other disasters throughout the years. The U.S. has produced more oil and natural gas in the last three years than ever before and we, as well as the rest of the world, have a surplus.
The increase in oil prices by OPEC, led by the speculators on Wall Street, is all about greed. There’s no other reason for it. Iran is just a scapegoat. The oil companies have been enjoying record breaking, unheard of profits for years while receiving billions of dollars in tax breaks. They just want more and more. Some countries such as Saudi Arabia offered to increase their production of oil if Iran cut off its supply, but OPEC denied them. Guess why? And why do oil prices always go up when it’s a presidential election year? Check it out.
When are we going to stop all this corporate welfare? Our presidents don’t set oil prices as many believe, but it is their problem.


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