Town and pharmacy want your unused/expired prescriptions!


SECAUCUS AND BEYOND – Leaving your unused prescriptions around could pose a danger to kids, and disposing of them incorrectly could affect local waterways. Thus, the town of Secaucus and Marra Drug Store will participate in the National Drug Enforcement Administration DEA National Prescription Drug Take Back Day on April 28 between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

More than 375,000 pounds of unwanted or expired medications were turned in for safe and proper disposal throughout the continental United States on this day last year. Many people have become accustomed to disposing unwanted medications down toilets or mixed with coffee grinds, dirt or kitty litter.  

“The amount of prescription drugs collected speaks volumes about the need to develop a convenient way to rid homes of unwanted or expired prescription drugs,” said DEA administrator Michele M. Leonhart.

Mayor Michael Gonnelli said residents are encouraged to drop off unwanted medication at Marra Drug Store instead of flushing it. When medications are dumped down drains or flushed into toilets, they eventually get into our waterways. He explained the drugs could filter into the local waterways and contaminate marine life. Improper disposal of prescription drugs can also make its way into ground water.

The nationwide collection program would eliminate unwanted medications to make medicine cabinets safe for young children who often mistake some prescription drugs as candy. Gonnelli added, “This initiative will also help prevent misuse of Rx drugs at the teenage level.”

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