Thank you for your generous donations

Dear Editor:
In December, the Hoboken Public Library conducted a fund-raising drive for additional services to our library, as well as to continue with our plans for renovations of our building. The results of our drive have exceeded our expectations.
The Board of Trustees and the Library Director and staff thank our residents for their generous donations. The success of our first ever Annual Appeal indicates Hoboken’s strong support for its library. We extend our gratitude to our residents and library users. Whether you are reading a book or downloading an e-book, seeking help with research, attending our cultural events or educational workshops, encouraging your child or teenager to read and excel in their studies by using the library, the generous donations from our residents and library users help the library to fulfill its mission of providing excellent services and materials to our community. Thank you!
Those of you new to our community, please visit us to see just what we have to offer! Come check out a library book or borrow music or a movie. And don’t forget to visit our website to see our daily programs and library news.

Lina Podles,
Library Director,
Board of Trustees,
Hoboken Library

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