Gonnelli calls for school board vs. SEA ‘cease fire’

Dear Editor:

Since becoming mayor in 2009, one of my highest priorities has been to repair the damage done to our community and its reputation from events leading up to and culminating in the summer of 2009. Our residents have responded positively and every indication shows that our town has become more united because of our efforts. There has been an increase in volunteerism for various civic, charitable, and governmental initiatives; town residents are donating record amounts for charitable drives; and local companies are taking a more active role in town functions. Political disparities have also become more civil.
However, in light of the positive direction the town is moving in, the words and actions witnessed by many attendees at the Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012 Board of Education meeting were in stark contrast to our efforts of bringing the community together. Neither the teachers nor the administration came out ahead in the eyes of the public.
Secaucus is a great town, in large part due to a great school system. We are fortunate to have competent teachers led by a great staff with great support from the parents and the community. It is imperative to protect the current differences from having any negative effect on our schools and the students.
I strongly urge each of you to agree to a “cease fire” and a short cooling off period, before meeting in an effort to resolve any and all issues that may exist. We encourage these issues be resolved behind closed doors, not in the newspapers, and in the spirit of cooperation for mutual satisfaction. I will make myself available to help mediate if both positions believe it might be beneficial.
Our community can recover from this situation as it has in the past, but only if both sides put in the effort to resolve disputes, not to “win a battle.” This could be done in a way that is equally fair to all parties and keeping the best interest of the children of Secaucus as the highest priority.

Mayor Michael Gonnelli

Editor’s Note: The mayor said he sent this letter to the following people: Cynthia Randina, Superintendent of Schools; Salvatore Manente, School Board President; Robert Anderson, SEA President; Joan Cali, Middle School Guidance

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