Hoboken Mayor Zimmer urges Gov. Christie to change his mind and support Marriage Equality Act

HOBOKEN – In addition to spelling out local accomplishments and future plans for Hoboken during her State of the City address on Wednesday night, Mayor Dawn Zimmer, a cross-party ally of Gov. Christopher Christie, urged the Republican governor to sign the Marriage Equality Act if it comes before his desk. The bill would allow same-sex marriage in New Jersey.

“When I have agreed with the governor, as I did with the 2 percent tax cap and pension and healthcare reform, I have not hesitated to make my voice heard,” Zimmer said during her speech at DeBaun Auditorium at Stevens in front of approximately 175 people on Wednesday night. “When I do not agree, it is my responsibility to voice my views. While I applaud Governor Christie for nominating the first openly gay judge to the state Supreme Court, I strongly urge him to change his mind and sign the Marriage Equality Act when it is passed by the legislature. It is simply the right thing to do.”

Zimmer received applause from the crowd following the statement (one of 25 applause breaks during the approximately 30-minute speech).

After the speech, Zimmer told The Reporter that she has always supported marriage equality, citing the event she hosted on Pier A Park last year held by Garden State Equality as one example. Zimmer added that she hopes the state Legislature has enough votes to advance the bill to the governor’s desk. New Jersey Democrats have made the issue their top priority, according to multiple media reports.

Zimmer said she wanted to make her position known publicly in the speech, but added that she planned on reaching out to the governor’s office privately to pass her message along.

Christie has said he would veto the bill, and wrote on Twitter this week that he would want the issue to go on the ballot for a referendum.

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For comprehensive coverage of the State of the City address as well as reactions, make sure to pick up a copy of The Hoboken Reporter this weekend.
– Ray Smith

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